The Hotel Balcon de Competa has the great pleasure of informing you that we have improved our instalaciones. With the goal of making everyones stay even more peaceful and relaxing, we have made some reforms that we hope will be to your satisfaction.
On one hand, we finished reforming our Pool. This way, we have achieved the goal of offering a great area to relax and enjoy the pool for everyone.
The pool has all showers adapted towards people with reduced mobility and with other improvements made anyone can easily access the pool.
Terrace with views to the sea.
One of the mayor attractions of our Hotel is without a doubt our terrace with sea views, where you can have lunch, dinner or simply have a drink. That being said it was quite cold during the Winter months in Competa and the terrace would see a sharp drop in usage. The solution? Cover with retractable walls so that you can enjoy the view and be protected from the elements.
For this we have installed a fixed awning and glass doors to protect us from the cold when it arrives but without renouncing the views. A new and very comfortable place for those who do not want to be in the sun in the summer and in winter they want to keep coming to our restaurant to relax.
The new image of our hotel is undoubtedly a source of pride for us and gives us more energy to keep improving. Step by step, day by day, the Cómpeta Hotel strives to improve its services and facilities so that you can enjoy your stay in the Axarquía to the fullest.